How to wear gold laces?

Gold laces are a type of jewelry that is always in style. They are worn by both men and women, but they do not always look as they should. This type of chain has characteristics that make it necessary to know exactly how to wear them so that they are elegant and sophisticated.

Fat gold laces are surely the ones that lead to the most mistakes when combining. For a woman, they must be worn alone, without any other type of chain around the neck and without medals or accessories. The best measure for this type of cord is the choker. If the woman is young, the better the closer to the neck and thicker, but when she is already a certain age, it is better for the chain to be further apart since the neck is one of the areas that most reveals the true age of a woman. woman and should avoid drawing attention to it.

As for men, the fat gold laces must also be short, but always separated from the neck and, as we recommended for them, they must look like a unique piece without medals. It is always advisable to avoid excesses since the beauty of jewelry is, normally, in the measure and in the good choice of a single outstanding piece.

When we talk about fine gold cords, these can be perfectly combined with other types of chains, have different lengths or even be used to carry pendants and medals. The finer, the more versatile and easy to combine. However, a men’s chain is not the same as a women’s chain, and in the case of a women’s chain, it can be very fine and attractive, but on a man, an excessively fine chain may not look pretty.

When we talk about fat gold cords for decoration, such as those that are placed on the edges of cushions or as decoration in bedspreads, for curtains or other home accessories, the keys to hitting are similar to when we talk about a jewel. It is important not to overdo it and always find the type of cord and the thickness that best fit the piece.

Golds are in fashion for both jewelry and decoration, but using them sparingly is the key to achieving an elegant and contemporary home or image.